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Pacific Realty Australia Managing Director  Jewel Lin (林芳如) took a group of about 25 buyers to visit the sample room designed by the builders. A total of nearly 10 villa sample rooms were visited. It can be said that our service can be for buyers and builders. Make the best housing design choices. We uphold the spirit of integrity to serve our customers and choose the best quality products for our buyers.

澳洲捷達國際地產Managing Director Jewel Lin(林芳如)帶著大約25位買家團體參觀建築商設計的樣品房,總共參觀了近10個別墅樣品房,可以說我們的服務方面可以為買家跟建築商進行最好的房屋設計選擇。我們秉持著誠信精神理念服務客戶及替買家客戶選擇介紹最高優良品質的物業。

One of the properties to visit is the high quality architecture and innovative design apartments at West End.

​參觀物業其中之一的是位於West End高品質的建築和創新的設計公寓

Located  in  the  heart  of  the  inner-city  suburb  of  West  End,  West  Village  is  just  a  short  walk  to  the  South  Brisbane  cultural  precinct  and  only  1.1km  from  Brisbane’s  CBD  with  a  host  of  public  transport  options  nearby.  West  End  is  one  of  the  fastest  growing  suburbs  in  Brisbane  and  its  prime  location  makes  it  a  popular  destination  for  people  to  live,  work  and  play.


West Village位於西區內城郊區的中心地帶,只需短途步行就能到達南布里斯班文化區,距離布里斯班CBD只有1.1公里,並有多種公共交通方式可供選擇。西區是布里斯班發展最快的郊區之一,優越的地理位置使其成為人們居住、工作與休閒的首選目的地。

Double-speed high-speed Brisbane city price, West End is its prime location, just 1 km from Brisbane city centre. Created by an award-winning design team, the multi-level community, beautiful open spaces, retail outlets, and elegant alleyways lead to open plazas and parks. West End's trendy cafes, lively dining and culture blend with the special charm of the inner city suburbs. Whether it's coffee, a riverside walk, a theatre, or a refreshing drink at the bar, it's all at your doorstep.

雙倍高速成長的布里斯班市地價,West End 蔚為其黃金地區,離布里斯班市中心僅 1 公里。由屢獲殊榮的設計團隊打造,多層次社區、美麗的休憩空間、零售店、雅緻的小巷設計通往露天廣場與公園。West End 時髦的咖啡館、熱鬧的餐飲和文化融合出內城郊區的特殊魅力。無論是咖啡、河畔漫步、劇院,或在酒吧享受一杯清涼的飲料,一切盡發生在您家門口。

Once  inside,  you’ll  feel  the  urban  bustle  immediately  dissolve  as  beautifully  appointed  oasis  apartments shape  your  private  residential  world  above.  Make  the  most  of  Brisbane’s  tropical  climate  with  spacious balconies  and  living  areas  and  enjoy  West  Village’s  rooftop  terraces  and  luxurious  pools.



Agent 連絡人:林芳如(Jewel Lin )

TEL:(AU)+61 412 720 036 


LINE ID: jewel930

WECHAT ID: jewel0088

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