1703/35 Campbell Street_Bowen Hills Qld 4006
2 房 1 衛 1 車 | Rent $ per week (已出租 Leased)
Stunning City Views in Brisbane
This 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom apartment at Madison Heights situated on the 17th floor. This apartment has stunning views and is close to everything.
Madison Heights的這兩間臥室,一間浴室公寓位於17樓。 這間公寓擁有壯麗景觀,一切都近在咫尺。
Only 2 minute walk distance to Bowen Hills train station and a 10 minute walk to Royal Brisbane Hospital. There is a bottle shop, IGA supermarket, sushi restaurant and a subway all located on the ground floor of the building.
距離博文山火車站只要2分鐘步行和10分鐘步行到皇家布里斯班醫院。 大廈底層有一家賣酒商店,IGA超級市場,壽司餐廳和地鐵。
Madison Heights has excellent access to public transport facilities and is only 20 mins to QUT Gardens Point campus & 30 mins to University of Queensland St Lucia campus.
Madison Heights擁有良好的公共交通設施,距離昆士蘭科技園花園校園僅20分鐘路程,距離昆士蘭聖盧西亞大學校園僅30分鐘路程。
Bowen Hills has direct access to various transportation routes and facilities including airport lines, train lines, tunnels, buses and more. The Bowen Hills area boasts first-class shopping centers, including shopping malls, boutiques, homeware art and collectibles. Parks and greenery, fitness and yoga studios, cinemas and cafes.
Bowen Hills直通各種交通路線及接通設施包括機場線,火車線,隧道,巴士等。Bowen Hills區內擁有一流的購物中心包括商場,精品店,家居用品藝術品和收藏品。公園和綠地,健身和瑜伽室,影院和咖啡館應有盡有。
At present, the population in the urban center and its immediate urban area is growing at an alarming rate of 11.8% per annum, while the population in the entire Brisbane area will double by 2031. Bowen Hill - Bowen Hill, located in the heart of Brisbane's center, exclusive up to A $ 13.5 billion infrastructure upgrades and upgrades. In the second quarter of 2015, the capital appreciation rate reached 16.5%, ranking second in Queensland! According to the evaluation results of Urbis Professional Analyst, by 2031, there will be 206,000 new jobs in Bowen Mountain, which will greatly promote the prosperity of the housing market and the rental market.
目前市中心及臨近城區人口以每年11.8%驚人的速度增長,而整個布里斯班地區的人口也將於2031年比現在翻一番。Bowen Hill-博文山,位於布里斯班核心區域的中心,獨享高達135億澳元的基礎設施改造以及升級工程。2015年第二季度資本增值率更是達到16.5%,位居全昆士蘭州第二!根據Urbis專業分析公司評估結果來看,到2031年,博文山全區將新增20.6萬個工作崗位,極大的促進房市和租賃市場的繁榮。
Australia attracts 300,000 international students each year to study. Brisbane was named one of the most livable cities in the country, attracting many international students. Brisbane has a reputable primary and secondary education and higher education system that offers ample choice of quality. Bowen Hills Convenient to any renowned institution:
澳大利亞每年吸引30 萬留學生求學。布里斯班被評為這個國家最宜居的城市之一,因而眾多留學生慕名而來。布里斯班擁有聲譽卓著的中小學及高等教育體系,提供充裕的優質選擇。Bowen Hills方便去往任何一所知名學府:
Queensland University of Technology 昆士蘭科技大學
Griffith University 格里菲斯大學
University of Queensland 昆士蘭大學
South Bank Institute of Technology 南岸理工學院
General Features 特色
Property Type:Apartment 物業類型:公寓
Bedrooms:2 臥室:2
Bathrooms:1 浴室:1
Bond $1,800 訂金:$1,800
Indoor Features 室內特色
Intercom 內部對講機
Gym 健身房
Built-in Wardrobes 內置式衣櫃
Dishwasher 洗碗機
Air Conditioning 空調
Alarm system 警報系統
Outdoor Features 戶外特色
Secure Parking 保全停車
Garage Spaces:1 車庫:1
Balcony 陽台
Swimming Pool - Above Ground 游泳池
Fortitude Valley State School--約車程2分鐘
Music Industry College--約車程7分鐘
Royal Childrens Hospital Special School--約車程4分鐘
Brisbane Central State School--約車程5分鐘
Call to arrange an inspection! 打電話安排參觀檢查!
聯絡人:Fang Ju Lin
TEL:(AU)+61 412 720 036
E-MAIL: jewel@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID: jewel930
WECHAT ID: jewel0088
RTA Pocket guide for tenants house and units
Trust Account
Entry Condition Report
Application For Residential Tenancy