Albion 200億基礎建設的社區公寓
1-3房公寓 | 起售價 AU $389,000
是時候接近自然。地理位置無比優越,距離布里斯班諸多生活娛樂設施場所,只需駕車或步行數分鐘。 接近CBD,核心設施服務和多種生活娛樂意味著居民們旅途往返用時更短,有更多時間去享受真正的生活。 四周是綠樹成蔭的公園,距離布里斯班CBD不到五公里,在這裡,你會被繁茂的花園和綠地擁簇,無論你是敏銳的投資者還是尋求生活品質的自住業主都是你開始一種全新生活的好時機。
It’s time to live closer to nature...It is ideally located just minutes from Brisbane's many entertainment and entertainment venues. Close proximity to the CBD, core amenities, and a variety of lifestyle options mean that residents travel less and return more and enjoy more of their lives. Surrounded by a tree-lined park, less than five kilometers from the Brisbane CBD, where you will be surrounded by luxuriant gardens and greenery, whether you are a keen investor or a homeowner seeking quality of life You start a new life a good time.
Albion is about to start investing $ 20 billion in infrastructure, which is part of the city's Albion community plan. The renovation consists of three main areas, connected by walking and cycling paths, neatly wide green spaces, boulevards and recreational areas.
Area: 63 sqm to 176 sqm
10分鐘生活機能 10 minutes life function
💎Gateway高速公路 Gateway Expressway
💎機場連接線,ICB內城支線 Airport connecting line, ICB inner city line
💎主要就業區CBD和Fortitude Valley
💎機場與布里斯班港口貿易區 Airport and Brisbane Port Trade Zone
住宅特色 Residential characteristics
💎以住戶為核心,經過精心設計。 to households as the core, after careful design.
💎室內外空間規劃給你完美的生活體驗。 Indoor and outdoor space planning to give you a perfect life experience.
💎時尚舒適的環境裡享受夢想已久的生活。 fashionable and comfortable environment to enjoy the dream of a long life.
💎游泳池,健身房,綠化區域 swimming pool, gym, green area
Agent 連絡人:林芳如(Fang Ju Lin)
TEL:(AU)+61 412 720 036
E-MAIL: jewel@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID: jewel930
WECHAT ID: jewel0088