2661 The Address Sanctuary Cove Qld 4212
3 房 2 衛 2 車 | Rent $ per week (已出租 Leased)
Enjoy the community and golfing lifestyle at Sanctuary Cove. This spectacular freestanding double storey home features 3 spacious bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, and master suite with ensuite, modern kitchen with gas cooking and quality appliances.
享受Sanctuary Cove的社區和高爾夫生活方式。 這棟壯觀的獨立式雙層住宅設有3間寬敞的臥室,2.5間浴室以及帶連接浴室的主人套房,現代化的廚房配有燃氣灶和優質家電。
General Features 特色
3 spacious bedrooms 3寬敞的臥室
2.5 Bathrooms 2.5浴室
Double lock up garage 雙鎖車庫
Master Suite with walk in robe and ensuite 主臥帶走入式更衣間
Private courtyard with views of the The Pines Golf Course 私人庭院坐享景觀松樹高爾夫球場
24 hour secure gated estate with onsite security 24小時安全封閉的房地產與現場安全
In house security system with Panic buttons fitted 應急按鈕安裝在房屋安全系統
Ducted air conditioning 導管空調
Easy access to the village, marina and golf course 容易訪問到村裡,瑪麗娜和高爾夫球場
Agent 連絡人:林芳如(Fang Ju Lin)
TEL:(AU)+61 412 720 036
E-MAIL: jewel@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID: jewel930
WECHAT ID: jewel0088