ASF 澳中財富集團發布一最新概念計劃,將打造全新世界級的海岸標誌,並預期成為黃金海岸未來最大的旅遊項目。
ASF has unveiled its latest concept plan to deliver a new world-class coastal icon earmarked to become the largest tourism project on the Gold Coast in decades.
The multi-billion dollar Integrated Resort Development will include a new casino, three branded five and six star hotels, signature restaurants, theatres, shows and entertainment, luxury and boutique retail precincts, serviced residences and meeting and conference facilities.
ASF 澳中財富集團董事Louis Chien路易斯說,該開發案預計投入30億澳幣到黃金海岸,為社會提供約 10,000 個工作機會,每年將吸引 150萬名遊客到黃金海岸。
ASF Director Louis Chien says the project will invest $3 billion into the Gold Coast, create an estimated 10,000 jobs and attract a projected 1.5 million additional tourists to the Gold Coast each year.
設施介紹Project breakdown
• 近水緣,全新划船終點站和水上活動 & 表演區
A newly accessible water’s edge, a new boating destination and an area for water events and performances
• 全新賭場,多機種可選
A new casino with a variety of gaming options
• 高檔奢侈品和精品店
Luxury and boutique retail
• 特色餐廳
Signature restaurants
• 三個知名品牌五星與六星豪華酒店
Three branded five and six star luxury hotels
• 歌劇院表演和現場娛樂表演
Entertainment precincts primed for theatre performances and live entertainment
• 酒店式公寓
Serviced apartments
• 游泳池和健身房
Pools and fitness facilities
• 會議廳和會議設施
Meeting and convention facilities
• '澳洲' 最專業全面的健康醫藥療療程 Medi-Spa 水療
Australia’s most comprehensive health and Medi-Spa’
• 1,200個座位的Broadwater露天劇場
A 1200-seat Broadwater amphitheatre
• 也許會建設連結到Southport的全新概念橋
Possible new bridge to Southport
• The Spit海灘保護措施
Protection of the spit
據報導,ASF 澳中財富集團已與James Packer詹姆斯•帕克的Crown Resorts皇冠度假村進行了約談,預計該團隊將成為賭場營運方。
ASF Consortia has reportedly been in talks with James Packer’s Crown Resorts which is expected to be the operator of the casino component.
Integrated Resort Comparison
昆士蘭州東南部現有兩座國際規模的綜合度假村開發案。請參閱下表對比黃金海岸綜合度假村開發案和布里斯本Queens Wharf皇后碼頭綜合度假村開發案:
South East Queensland now has two international-scale integrated resort developments. In terms of how the new Gold Coast Integrated Resort shapes up against Brisbane’s Queens Wharf, see compiled list of key features below.
• 預計投資 $30億澳幣
Expected final spend: $3 billion
• 團隊聯盟:Star Entertainment Group澳洲星光娛樂集團, Chow Tai Fook周大福集團, Far East Consortium遠東聯盟
Consortium team: Star Entertainment Group, Chow Tai Fook, Far East Consortium
• 公共設施改進:100米高的公共滑雪場,海濱重建,購物中心重建,也許會建設新劇院,整修和重新利用七棟遺產建築
Public realm improvements: 100m high public skydeck, foreshore redevelopment, plaza redevelopments, possible new theatre, restoration and repurposing of seven heritage buildings
• 基礎設施:人行橋到South Bank
Infrastructure: Pedestrian bridge to South Bank
• 賭場運營方:Star Entertainment澳洲星光娛樂集團
Casino operator: Star Entertainment
• 全新酒店數量:5
Number of new hotels: 5
• 零售:地下零售商場,財政大樓轉型成高級百貨公司
Retail: Underground retail arcade, Treasury Building conversion to premium department store
• 工作:創造約2,000個建築工作,約8,000現正進行的工作機會
Jobs: 2,000 construction jobs, 8,000 ongoing jobs
• 遊客:每年將吸引約139萬名額外遊客
Additional tourists: 1.39 million per annum
• 公寓數量:2,000
Apartments: 2,000
• 建築商:Cottee Parker Architecture
Architect: Cottee Parker Architecture
• 狀態:拆除建築內部中
Status: Demolition of site immanent
• 預計投資 $30億澳幣
Expected final spend: $3 billion
• 團隊聯盟:ASF澳中財富集團,Crown Resorts皇冠度假村 (待確認)
Consortium team: ASF Group, Crown Resorts (unconfirmed)
• 公共設施改進:廣泛的海濱重建,也許會建設連結到Southport的概念橋,1,200個座位的Broadwater露天劇場
Public realm improvements: Extensive foreshore redevelopment, possible bridge to Southport, 1200-seat Broadwater amphitheatre
• 基礎設施:連結通往Southport的交通橋,郵輪碼頭計劃已腰斬
Infrastructure: Vehicle traffic bridge to Southport, Cruise terminal plans have been axed
• 賭場運營方:Crown Resorts皇冠度假村
Casino operator: Crown Resorts
• 全新酒店數量:3
Number of new hotels: 3
• 零售:規劃高檔精品零售區
Retail: Retail precincts planned
• 工作:創造約10,000個工作
Jobs: 10,000
• 遊客:每年將吸引約150萬名額外遊客
Additional tourists: 1.5 million per annum
• 公寓數量:現階段未知
Apartments: Unknown at this stage
• 建築商:Blight Rayner Architecture
Architect: Blight Rayner Architecture
• 狀態:概念階
Status: Concept stage
“This $3 billion project will deliver a world-class waterfront destination that provides an immediate and ongoing economic boost and significant jobs for the Gold Coast, with benefits flowing across Queensland,” said Mr Chien.
“Over 10,000 new jobs will be created during construction and operations, meaning thousands of jobs for the local community. With construction likely to occur after the Commonwealth Games, this will deliver ongoing buoyancy to the region, ensuring local jobs are retained.
“The project will also attract a projected 1.5 million additional tourists to the Gold Coast annually. This means growing the existing tourism market with an emphasis on new visitors to the region.
他說: 更多的觀光客到黃金海岸景點旅遊和更多的航班飛到黃金海岸“更多的遊客需要翻譯為現有的旅行社增加更多的業務,。
“More tourists translates to more business for existing tour operators, more visits to Gold Coast attractions and more flights needed to the Gold Coast,” he said.
At the same time as revealing its latest concept plan, ASF is calling for more certainty around the overall planning process for the area.
“ASF remains fully committed to achieving the best outcomes for the Gold Coast and Queensland. We’re keen for the State to provide overall planning clarity for the area and understand how the proposed Gold Coast Integrated Resort fits,” he said.
The Gold Coast Integrated Resort Development will be situated on a five-hectare waterfront site on the Southern Spit between Sea World and the Gold Coast Fisherman’s Co-operative.
錢先生說:「這是一個僅佔據The Spit海灘不到百分之三的土地,以目前的形式來看並未被使用過而且沒有向公眾開放。」
“This site represents less than 3 per cent of The Spit and in its current form, is unused and inaccessible to the general public,” said Mr Chien.
“Our plans deliver a new waterfront precinct to be enjoyed by all by creating new and improved Broadwater leisure and entertainment spaces, a newly accessible water’s edge, a new boating destination and a vibrant space for outdoor performances and events,” he said.
With a cruise ship terminal no longer a requirement of the project, this will be achieved with no dredging in the Broadwater.
錢先生說:“項目的位置將成為促進Southport CBD成長的催化劑。它可以連接The Spit和 Southport,環抱Broadwater,同時為這些地區帶來重要的商業機會和就業機會。
“The location of the project will be a catalyst to grow the Southport CBD. It will connect The Spit and Southport, whilst embracing the Broadwater and deliver significant business and employment opportunities,” said Mr Chien.
A traffic solution is provided for the project, with core infrastructure funded by ASF.
錢先生說: “我們已經為該項目提出了一個可擴展性的解決交通運輸量方案,這將成為這個城市有遺留價值的基礎建設。這個解決方案是面向未來的交通模式。
“We’ve come up with a traffic solution for the project, which is scalable and will deliver legacy infrastructure for the city. Traffic modelling has future proofed this solution,” said Mr Chien.
“We are committed to working as closely as possible with the Queensland Government, City of Gold Coast and the community to create this global waterfront destination,” said Mr Chien.